I Write Because

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Why do I write? Why am I here? Why do I blog? All really great questions. Especially considering there is really not much content on my “blog.” Many times I have sat in front of my computer screen in blank stare, wanting to write, but lacking the words. So, I am going to try something different. I’m going to use writing prompts to shake up my brain and get the creative juices going. To read my answers to the questions above, please continue onward!

Enter the Writing Prompt

In the first writing prompt of this 20 day writing prompt program I am participating in, there is a quote that made be ponder:

“I write only because

There is a voice within me

That will not be still”

– Sylvia Plath

I guess this rings true for me. I feel as though I do have an inner voice that will not be still.

Why Do I Write?

I feel as though by combinging my life experinces, the skills I currently have and the skills I am working on obtaining, I can provide value to..some audience.

That may very well be just myself initially. But I hope to turn that into 1 person, then 2, then 4 etc.

This is not the first time I have pondered the questions, why do I write, however, it is the first time I have sat down to artictule and document the answer.

As of now, my conclusions is that I write to achieve one/a combination of/or all three of the following objectives:

1) develop my understanding of a topic

“Teaching is the highest form of understanding.” –Aristotle

2) Solidify my own beliefs on a subject

“The best teachers are the ones that change their minds” –Terry Heick

3) Provide value in the form of information, education or entertainment to you the reader

The above objectives will be my core tenants while creating content over the next couple weeks. They may change and I am ok with that. I may not always hit the mark and infact I expect my initial content won’t hit the mark right away.

I beleive mastery is not a zero sum game and is a result of the process not the end goal.

The important thing…is that I started.